On Saturday night I experienced my first ever dinner theater. At Elephant and Castle restaurant and Pub, the Mystery Café presents Death by Chocolate, a murder mystery where you, as a guest, are involved in the interactive entertainment of the evening.
I did a bit of research on their website and it seemed like a great activity for a Saturday evening.
My friend and I just barely made it in time for the show to begin and were greeted by some very colourfully wigged actors who ushered us to our places at one of many round tables. We were at table number four along with some other guests.
Unfortunately, I cannot say that the level of the entertainment...or the food, reached my expectations, and certainly not the price ticket of the meal. At 50 dollars a person (beverages and tip not incl.) I would expect better cosutmes, better food and certainly more chocolate!
The actors were quite good, but the it was all overly dramatic, and the costumes were reminiscent of my own dress up box as a kid, neon wigs and leggings...
Our participation was limited to a 'sleuth sheet' where you placed your guess as to who murdered who,
and unless you were chosen at the door to recite a character plot, you were pretty much a spectator. The actors brought out some chocolate covered strawberries I was very excited about only to learn that they were plastic and thus...unedible. Hot chocolate was also brought out that was...for the actors only. I was also under the impression that perhaps all courses were going to be incorporating chocolate...I was largely disappointed. The salad was a standard ceasar:
My friend and I chose the roasted chicken which was actually quite good, a nice large portion. The baked potato was completely in need of some cheese and certainly more than sour cream and the green beans were like space food.
The dessert, thankfully, was delicious. A three layered chocolate mousse tart with an oreo crumb crust. It was very tasty and definately made me relent in my subsequent disappointement.
I don't want to berate the actors, because they really did do their best and I was entertained througout the meal..which was just as well because there certainly was nothing entertaining about the food. 

However, there really was a huge discrepancy between the way this event is advertised and the way it actually went down. I think a few things need to be improved, at least invest in some better ligthing and costumes and for goodness sake, offer food that is in some way related to the tale of chocolate you so endorse!
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