My fellow frugal foodies, I come to you today with news of a very worthy adventure. I think you will be pleased to hear that I took my own advice, and trecked it out to Davis Square (which is really not that far...).
As I had predicted, When Pigs Fly was waiting with samples, sweet and savoury, and they managed to stave off our hunger until 5 oclock when the Kickass Cupcake happy hour began. As it turns out, the neighbourhood is aware of this little gem and its once-a-month deal. We were not the only ones milling around...but it's nothing to get in a panic about, the staff are quite well prepared and are armed with many a mini cupcakes.
This month's flavours were the chocol-itini, the peach belini and the pineapple daiquiri. They were all great. My favorite was the pineapple daiquiri, which is surprising because I usually prefer anything with chocolate. The daiquiri cupcake was soaked in rum and pineapple juice and topped with zesty lime frosting...so creamy and delicious! The whole number was garnished with some crystalised sugar and a piece of dried pineapple. Amazing! I could easily take one too many of these shots!
I also ended up purchasing one of their lucky cupcakes, which actually combines the fruity trend with my chocolate addiction. It is a lemon cupcake with white chocolate frosting. On the way home I tried just a taste of the frosting while exercising otherwise great self-restraint and it is really something to experience.
Davis Square was really cute, just a cluster of odd ball restaurants and boutiques amongst a few little streets all meeting around a square. It's perfect for a few hours, especially when a bit of that time is spent in When Pigs Fly and Kickass cupcakes. Unfortunately I will be missing the next Happy Hour, but you should put it down in your phone asap! It will be on the 28th of June. I will of course do my best to remind you, it is something I would hate for you to miss out on again!
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